For the past 2 weeks, I have had the exact same dream – 3 x’s. Usually, I don’t remember my dreams but this time was different.I dreamt we were in a very large community mtg. & in this meeting, we had some serious work, planning, business to take care. People were genuinely concerned about Our City, Our Children, Our Families. Although, through my dream I could feel the tension, the hurt, the confusion, the anger, the pain, and frustration of people EVERYONE understood WE needed to agree to disagree, It was NECESSARY for US to work together IF we intended on Saving the Life of OUR Children, Strengthen OUR Families, Ensure Safety within Our neighborhoods, and Advocate for Equality at every level.
In the room where the meeting was held, everyone gathered in a very large circle. I saw people, who I knew were on opposite sides of the fence, huddled up, making plans, talking and figuring out ways to bridge gaps, strategizing on how to fix our problems, working on sharing what they have in order to be the agent of Change, people confiding in one another, neighbors organizing neighborhood events, and more – It was a beautiful sight. Every problem that came up, regardless of how big, people were ready to apply solutions by offering themselves and what they had as a means of help. NO PROBLEM WAS TOO BIG FOR US….I remember thinking in my dream, WOW WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!!! People simply wouldn’t Give Up….. I could see problems thrown out everywhere, people crying out for help and assistance AND every time there was a person in the room who had the answer, the resource or a connection to make things happen 🙂
The meeting didn’t last all day, it was productive!! In my dream, after the meeting ended, I saw myself driving through the neighborhood, It was summer time, people were out cutting their grass, kids were playing, families were Bar-B-Qing, neighbors were talking, seniors were sitting on the porch enjoying the view. I could hear music, I could feel life, joy, happiness, peace, love. In my dream and as I slept, I could feel myself smiling, thinking this is a GREAT PLACE TO LIVE…. I LOVE MY CITY!!!!!!
I believe we can and are on the road to making this dream a reality. I pray you are actively involved in being the Change you desire to see within your family, your neighborhood, your Church, and the Greater Flint Community. IF you need help please know we are one community and are here to help support, encourage, and strengthen each other, especially during the rough times – WE DON’T GIVE UP!! I hope to see you in a huddle in the big Community Circle of Reason……